Autosemantics' Presentation at the KFMA International Symposium

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
조회 232회 작성일 24-10-17 14:57


Autosemantics presented at the International Symposium hosted by the Korean Facility Management Association with the following details:

Main Theme: The Convergence of Digital Technology and FM
Presentation Topic: Case Study of AI-based Digital Twin Boltzmann Implementation
Presentation Time: November 8, 13:40-14:20
Venue: Samsung Convention Center, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University

The Korean Facility Management Association (KFMA) holds an annual international symposium to present global trends, future-oriented directions, and introduce new technologies in the FM (Facility Management) industry. This year's event was held over two days, from November 7 to November 8, at the Samsung Convention Center, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University.


Autosemantics 將於韓國設施管理協會主辦的國際研討會上進行以下主題的演講。


演講主題:基於AI的數位雙胞胎 Boltzmann 導入案例

演講時間:11月8日 13:40~14:20

演講地點:首爾大學 Hoam 教授會館 三星會議中心


今年的活動將於11月7日至11月8日兩天在首爾大學 Hoam 教授會館 三星會議中心舉行。

Total 21건 1 페이지
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
공지 관리자 169 11-19
20 관리자 179 11-19
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17 관리자 387 09-27
16 관리자 357 09-27
15 관리자 532 09-24
14 관리자 450 09-24
13 관리자 358 09-01
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11 관리자 1191 02-16
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9 관리자 888 02-16
8 관리자 1229 02-15
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